“Uprooted” is a collaborative Digital Humanities project conceived as part of Introduction to Digital Humanities: Part I: Architectures of Knowledge, a Fall 2022 course at Yale University.

Our team consists of the students in this course, Isabela Alvarado, Madeleine Cepeda-Hanley, Estelle Guéville, Michelle Lacoste Adunka, Alan Mendoza, and Serena Strecker as well as the instructor for the course, Alex Gil.

Michelle Lacoste Adunka originally proposed the 1909 New Haven time capsule as a potential subject for digitization and digital exhibition to the class based on her connection with Edward Surato at the New Haven Museum. Through consensus-based decision-making, we decided to pursue the time capsule as the subject of our final project: a collaboratively designed and executed digital collection.

We have sought to implement a collaborative workflow rooted in consensus-based decision-making on issues that relate to the project as a whole including the project’s design, content, and team roles.